Ala Kachuu is a form of bride kidnapping. Bride kidnapping is illegal but common in Kyrgyzstan. Many Kyrgyzstans understand Ala Kachuu as one of the country's traditions that cannot be changed. The upcoming marriage is symbolized by the white sheet that the bride is forced to wear throughout the kidnapping. Bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan happens in both expected and unexpected situations. A girl waiting for the bus might suddenly get kidnapped by a man, or a girl might know the man that she will marry but didn't choose. The two branches of bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan are 'consensual kidnapping' and 'full-on'. Consensual bride kidnapping means that the bride is kidnapped by a man that she already knows. Full on bride kidnapping means a girl getting kidnapped unexpectedly by an unknown man.
Kyrgyzstan women nor the victim's families are able to save the women against 'death' and 'threat'. The police do not take any specific action either because people don't recognize bride kidnapping as a major crime, and think of it as a tradition. If the victim opposes the bride kidnapping or runs away from the man's family, she can be killed or be in a dangerous situation. The victim's family who helps the victim can also be in danger. In fact, there are also many victims who have died unjustly in this situation. Over time, more and more Kyrgyzstans have recently raised up against bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyzstan government has also declared to take action, but Kyrgyzstan's bride kidnappings are still underway, creating numerous victims.
The key issue about Kyrgyzstan bride kidnapping is "Is Kyrgyzstan a part of the country's culture or a crime?" Bride kidnapping is known as a culture/tradition for some people in Kyrgyzstan, but bride kidnapping has become illegal after 1994. Although bride kidnapping in kyrgyzstan was declared as illegal during the mid 90s, there are still people with stereotypes who claim kyrgyzstan's bride kidnapping is a culture and tradition. Some people think bride kidnapping is a tradition and culture, and these thoughts should be changed. Even though Kysgyzsatn's bride kidnapping was legal and a part of the country's culture and tradition, it should still be changed for women's equality and safety. Before discussing the solution or seriousness of Kyrgyzstan's problem, kidnapping of forced marriages in Kyrgyzstan is not part of culture, but an illegal, stark crime.
People's stereotypes and the seriousness of the problem is unknown to the world and is yet to be solved. First, the victims must clarify their opinions and let the world know about this problem to correct the flawed idea that bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan is a tradition. It's only a small beginning for the victims to give their opinions, but the first thing to do to solve this case is to let the world know the victims' stories. Many issues in small countries are spreading around the world through the victims' voices. Likewise, bride kidnappings in Kyrgyzstan should be reduced, and someday it should disappear.
Works Cited
"Kyrgyzstan: Fury over Death of "Bride Kidnapping" Victim." BBC News, 8 Apr. 2021, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.
staff, VICE. "Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan." CNN, 7 Dec. 2011, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.
"The Ongoing Fight against Child Marriage and "Bride Kidnapping" in Kyrgyzstan." UN News, 20 Feb. 2022, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.
"UN Statement on Bride Kidnapping and Child Marriage.", 2018, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.
"Break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins," said Maisumujiang Maimuer, a member of Chinese religious affairs, on August 10, 2017 through the Xinhua Weibo page. As Maimuer had said, China has been destroying Uyghur people since 2016 by imprisoning them in Xinjiang, located in the north-west of China. But before that, who are the Uyghur people?
Uyghur people, also known as Uyghurs, are an ethnic group consisting mostly of muslims and are currently segregated in the region of Xinjiang. The start of this tragedy began in July 2009, when a conflict between Han people and Uyghurs ignited. A dispute between Uyghurs and Han Chinese in the factory had caused Uyghurs to riot, which is now recorded as the Ürümqi riot. The Ürümqi riot resulted in over one-hundred deaths of Uyghur people, and caused Uyghurs to take revenge on the Han Chinese. Consequently, Uyghurs started to act as terrorists and killed Han Chinese for several years, until 2016, when China declared to imprison Uyghurs in Xin jiang.
According to BBC news, "Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide," there are roughly more than one million Uyghurs detained in the Xinjiang restriction area. China's response to Uyghur's uprising was extremely harsh. Uyghurs were restricted in their religion, was forced to labor, and women were sexually abused. Currently, there is an on-going debate; is China's response to Uyhgur a right thing to do, or was it too harsh?
Although Uyghurs had took revenge on the Han Chinese in a crucial way, China's Uyghur genocide can still be highlighted as evil. To decide whether China's punishment should be justified or not, it is important to know the start of this conflict. No matter what, the fact is that the Han Chinese massacred Uyghurs right before the Ürümqi riot. Although the conflict between Uyghurs and Han Chinese seems to be the fault of the Han Chinese, it is clear that China was unjust; they had punished Uyghurs instead of the Han Chinese when the Han Chinese had killed the Uyghurs from the start. Since Chinapunished the unfair victim, their genocide towards the Uyghur is a clear act of evil.
Furthermore, according to research from the BBC, in December 2020, about half a million Uyghurs in the restricted area were forced to pick cotton in Xinjiang. This form of coerced labor contradicts China's initial purpose of segregating Uyhgurs to reduce possible threats. Although the Chinese government declared that they locked up Uyghurs to prevent ongoing conflicts, they instead 'used' Uyghurs for their own profits and economic benefits. Research has further shown that China forced Uyghurs to labor, especially on cotton fields to gain cotton to sell and boost their economic standard.
The evil purpose was revealed further in 2021, when the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) added an additional product that China produced through labor: Polysilicon. As stated by the U.S. Department of Labor, polysilicon from China was mainly produced by Muslim minorities in China, or Uyghurs. Additional research claims that all goods produced by China's labor force were mostly manufactured in Xinjiang, enhancing the possibility that Uyhgurs might have been forced to much harsher labor.
The effect of such oppressive acts have been detrimental to the Uyghur population. There are about 12 million Uyghurs, but only one million Uyghurs are detained in the restricted area, also known as re-education camp. Then what happened to the rest of the Uyghurs, the 11 million people?
Many know Uyghurs' restriction as a positive way to resolve conflicts; some even does not know what Uyhgurs' genocides are, however, the truth is, that Uyghur genocide has its own evil but hidden purposes and the punishment is overwhelmingly excessive. How would you feel if innocent yourself is forcefully transported to an awkward space to labor for the rest of your life time? How would you feel if you suddenly received all the hatred from others and your friends, and were separated from others? These imaginations aren't just simple imaginations, it is true stories that happened to over one million people, and it is stories that 'would' happen to more and more Uyghurs.
Works Cited
"Against Their Will: The Situation in Xinjiang." United States Department of Labor,
Maizland, Lindsay. "China's Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang." Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, 22 Sept. 2022,
"Who Are the Uyghurs and Why Is China Being Accused of Genocide?" BBC News, BBC, 24 May 2022,
"'Break Their Lineage, Break Their Roots.'" Human Rights Watch, 20 Apr. 2021,
While multiple attribution theories exist within the interaction of companies and consumers, Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) is well-received and well-reserved for the behavior of watchers. It states that the cause of a person's behavior is coping well with the kindness they are facing. The employer provides an optimal environment for the employee. The behavior of e-mail and e-depression is sustainable as well. Jones & Harris (1967) explains attributions (traits, motives, etc.) for behavioral benefits based on the Correspondent Inference Theory. It seemed to describe and seemed about the externalities.
Fidel Castro ambitiously published an article with stern content, and when he said it sternly, he took it very seriously. I've concluded that it's only natural for me to be able to excel. Something tremendous is expected to occur, which is said to be a massive influence. Many are expected to be unpredictable.
Within this example, FAE has concluded that the term 'basic attribution' is correct. A warning has been issued as an 'optimal.' A bias that responded to this message in the same direction as Daniel Gilbert (communication bias) has one of the diagnoses of this disease in the school district, responding to attribution.
People tend to attribute observed effects to grab their attention. As Fritz Heider (1958) argued, "actions tend to envelop a field, and the observer tends to attribute the behavior to whatever catches his or her attention." When observing a person, that person becomes the reference point, and the situation tends to be overlooked as if it were just a background. Thus, the attributions of the behavior of others are more likely to focus on that person individually than on their situation. We may not be conscious of this. However, when the person is themselves, they are more aware of the forces of their surroundings, and this difference leads to actor-observer bias.
According to Gilbert & Malone (1995), FAE may also occur because the observer does not have sufficient background information about the situation. The observer may be unaware of the situation's context and environmental and social limiting factors. As a result, the observer becomes more dependent on temperamental factors to explain and understand a particular behavior. This action can be mechanized with the usage of FAE.
The human lexicon also provides another explanation for FAE. In other words, psychologists have found that human language contains more expressions describing behavior than descriptions of situations. This tendency can be another example of the attribution theory assuming that people try to determine why they do what they do, i.e., attribute causes to behavior. A person seeking to understand why another person did something may attribute one or more reasons for that behavior.
Works Cited
Fleck, Anna. "How Much Sway Does the Far-Right Have?" Statista Infographics, 26 Sept. 2022,
"What the Recent Wins for Far-right Parties in Europe Could Mean for the Region.", 1 Oct. 2022,
For the first time in a hundred years, Italy elected an extreme-right prime minister, the last one being Mussolini. Not only in Italy but in many prominent countries of Europe, right-wing governments are prevailing. These governments notably oppose immigration, cooperate with the European Union (EU), and favor nationalist policies and social conservatism. The far-right holds 59% of the seats in Hungary, 50% of Poland, 30% of Italy, 15 of France, and 11% of Germany. By October 2017, 24 countries had right-wing nationalists as members of parliaments (Mishra). According to a 2017 study by Eurobarometer, it was found that "38% of Europeans think that immigration outside the EU is more of a problem than an opportunity" (Eyes on Europe). This sentiment is shared across the borders of Europe among the common public.
The trend of extreme right-wing politics was popular during the World Wars. What was then anti-semitism and militarism exists as anti-immigration. The target of contempt has moved from Jews to Muslims. Immigrants, especially Islamic immigrants, are framed as job stealers, terrorists, and threats to European traditions. Since the 1950s, massive immigration has existed, but its effects have become more prominent during the 80s, according to political scientist Cas Mudde. Especially after 9/11, the framing of Muslims has become more hostile. 9/11 caused both Islam and Western parties to have criminal perceptions of each other. It did not help that in the same decade following, terrorist attacks on Muslims because prominent in Europe, with the news covering a new case every week. Even in these tight tensions, the political crises and wars in the Middle East meant an increase in mass immigrants. In 2015-2016 this became very prominent and led to the increased perception of immigrants as parasites of the European system. During this time, the second largest migration of refugees since World World II occurred, with over a million immigrants crossing the Mediterranean (Mishra). Most were young people escaping the persecution of Middle Eastern and North African states, which had been experiencing political strife for some time.
The reason for the rise of extreme right-wing governments could be an economic hardship. During the Second World War, the National Fascist Party and Nazi Party were motivated by the financial difficulties put on by the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles. In modern Europe, far-right governments became especially prominent after the 2009 Recession. Greece, in particular, which faced a debt crisis and declared bankruptcy, appointed a far-right prime minister.
Especially during the Covid-19 lockdown and the Russian-Ukrainian war, it is to be expected that the emergence of extreme right governments will not cease. Thus, it is essential to consider how to protect the rights of minorities, immigrants, and foreigners, when the governments that formerly watched them turn on them. As political agendas change rapidly and abruptly, it seems significant that there should be safety nets for the weak.
Works Cited
Fleck, Anna. "How Much Sway Does the Far-Right Have?" Statista Infographics, 26 Sept. 2022,
"What the Recent Wins for Far-right Parties in Europe Could Mean for the Region.", 1 Oct. 2022,
Due to the global financial crisis, Europe is facing social unrest. Social issues such as rising unemployment, welfare cuts, and refugees from other countries like Southeast Asia have brought a rise of extreme right politicians in Europe.
Because Europeans were willing to change after undergoing such a social crisis, rising radical right parties were tempting for Europeans. In the French presidential election, the approval rating for the right-wing party was up to 40 percent, and in Hungary and Serbia, extreme-right politicians were elected for the party.
With the emergence of the extreme right party and supporters, the influence of strong right politicians among the whole continent is increasing. The status quo regarding the emergence of radical right politicians in Europe has a potential threat to the dominant economies of the EU.
From a business point of view, the emergence of extreme right politicians and the support of Europeans will cause a polarization of dominance in each industry. Powerful right politicians claim a market economy in which production and prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. To control one company's monopoly among industry regulation of the government is inevitable.
Governments regulate companies dominating the free market. However, extreme right politicians will alleviate restrictions on companies which will polarize the gap between companies.
Works Cited
Right-Wing Extremism in the EU - European Parliament.
Radical rightists in Europe range from right-wing populism to neo-fascism. The radical right is, as its namesake, a kind of European far-right but somewhat different from the ordinary orthodox far-right in that it does not directly threaten the liberal democratic order. In other words, it does not openly commit terrorism or advocate dictatorship like how reactionaries, Nazism, and fascism did in the past.
Representative parties part of the radical right include the French National Union, Alternative for Germany, Hungarian Jovik, Italian Northern Alliance, and the Austrian Liberals. Outside of Europe, the alternative right wing of the United States and the right-wing organization of Japan are examples of the radical right wing. These radical right parties have their distinctive identity and characteristics in the political world.
People with far-right beliefs are characterized by having a simplified mindset and a tendency to search for order and structure. And they have a strong desire for group-based dominance and hierarchy, and often see social groups arranged along a superiority-inferiority dimension.
Individuals who strongly believe and depend on far-right ideology often have an increased desire for obedience to authority, familiarity, structure, and a rigid worldview mentality. They tend to dominate disadvantaged and minority groups expressing anti-immigration, have a strong preference for a certain ethnically, culturally, or racially homogeneous population, and have a prejudice against minorities. In addition, they see social groups arranged along a superiority-inferiority dimension.
These kinds of radical right parties have potentially direct influence over policy output when they gain office. This phenomenon is also related to radical right parties' characteristics. Numerous studies and works demonstrated that these psychological factors of radical right parties stimulate adherence to far-right ideology, which leads to support for right-wing extremist violence and violent intentions. Radical right parties' mindsets and tendencies lead to extremism and motivate people to self-sacrifice for a political cause. This is why radical right parties have potential direct influence over policy output when they gain office.
Politics is all about power.
Now in Europe, the right-wing—right-wing ideas—has that power.
To conjecture the impacts of such power ruling the EU, one must first understand the reasons for the rise of right-wing leadership.
It's fear.
The current social climate—the pandemic, economic recession, the ongoing war, and the potential threat of worse depressions—has encouraged the public to seek drastic change. In other words, the citizens of Europe want to make Europe great again. Such a scenario already took place in history several times: the fall of the Weimar Republic that led to the rise of Hitler, and more recently, Trump building walls between borders.
One major characteristic of right-wing extremism is that it establishes a majority vs. minority dynamic and blames the social minorities for the challenges we face today. In an essay on Trump and populist politics, political theorist Jan-Werner Müller points out that "Trump's politics are about exclusion." Namely, Trump announced in a rally that "the only important thing is the unification of the people—because the other people don't mean anything." Müller observes that "…the logic is always the same: There is a real America, as identified by Trump, and whoever does not agree cannot be a real American (and is also implicitly opposed to 'making America great again')." A similar mindset is shown in a speech by Giorgia Meloni in 2019, the newly elected prime minister of Italy. During the speech, she emphasizes her identity as an Italian, Christian, and a mother; in other words, the righteousness of being a majority. She appeals to the pathos of the citizens by bringing attention to her characteristics which the majority will find familiar. In the meantime, she implies that such are typical qualities and the right way to live.
The economic policies of a government led by such doctrines may result successfully. The German economy grew during WW2 under Hitler's rule. A totalitarian nation led by a dictator can enforce harsh measures, sometimes even ignoring human rights and inviolable values, an infamous example being the Deportation of Koreans in the Soviet Union in the Stalin Era. With that, neo-liberalist policies, the economic model of the right-wing--including but not limited to strengthening business, lowering taxes, and deregulation—in general, might drive productivity in the short term due to benefits such as "freer markets, access to more products and services to meet consumer demand, higher revenue and higher profits." Worshiping the free market, the invisible hand (a metaphor for the unseen forces that move the free market economy), might revitalize the economy.
However, the critical flaw of such policies is that they cannot protect people who are less in power. Take deregulation as an example. It might lead to successful corporations, but it may result in the disenfranchisement of workers if it undermines policies such as minimum wage. Note how one of the reasons why the unemployment rate drastically declined under Nazi Germany was just because Hitler merely eliminated certain people from the statistics. The invisible hand is not only invisible but also blind. It doesn't consider we are, first and foremost, human beings with inalienable rights, not simply economic actors.
What is the role of politics? According to the idea of the social contract, a political organization is on behalf of individual well-being. For the well-being of each person, we must first establish a community wherein the spirit of democracy and the meaning of citizenship is secured. All of us, including immigrants, and others regarded as the minority of the modern world, are the 'sleeping sovereign.' We gave power to our representatives for a better society. The rise of extreme right leadership tends to undermine the value of its citizens and threatens such sovereignty. We must remember that each of us is a member of democracy who signed the social contract.
Works Cited
Müller, Jan-Werner. "The Trump Era: Who's a Populist?". Princeton Alumni Weekly, 1 Mar 2017. accessed 20 Oct 2022.
Majaski, Christina. "What Is the Invisible Hand in Economics?". Investopedia, 20 Aug 2022. accessed 20 Oct 2022.
Manning, Liz. "Neoliberalism: What It Is, With Examples and Pros and Cons". Investopedia, 29 Jul 2022. accessed 20 Oct 2022.
On 9/16, 2022, Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, died after being arrested for breaching Iran's strict rule for women for wearing an "improper" hijab, an Islamic headscarf which Iranian women are compulsory to wear by legislation. Police announced the cause of Amini's death was a heart attack after rumors spread that police had beaten Aiani on the head with a stick. In the meantime, the police released the data showing Amini's confusion and coma at the police station, calling it evidence but instead igniting the anger of Iranian citizens. After Amini's funeral in the western Sakez area, the protests first began when women gathered to tear their hijabs. Since then, protests have spread across the country, with voices calling for freedom and calls for the overthrow of the regime. After Amini's story aired worldwide, global citizens' anger flared up, and protests took place worldwide for Amini.
Protests against the new government are spreading unprecedentedly in the generation of young women in Iran. Their parents' and grandparents' generations have a history of trying to change the system from within but failing. So young people, victims of tyranny, risk their lives and speak up about why they resist wearing hijab through videos and social media. Young Iranian citizens on social media demand freedom to say what they want, wear what they want, and listen to the music they like. They want to escape the fear that they may be arrested for doing these things. Recently, tweets of Iranians writing personal reasons for supporting the protests have become widespread. Iranian young singer Shervin Hajipour released a song written in lyrics by collecting these tweets containing the hearts and souls of Iranians. The song garnered more than 40 million views on Instagram within 48 hours of its release, drawing sympathy from millions of Iranians. In response, BBC Persian SNS reporter Taraneh Stone said, "It's the first time a non-known singer's song gained numerous views on Instagram."
After the 1979 Islamic Revolution, women were required to wear hijabs in Iran. Islamic dress codes are strictly enforced by the country's moral police, who roam the streets in vans detaining "inappropriate" dressed people. They are known as the Gasht-e-Ershad. Despite the threat of arrest, millions of Iranian women are actively opposed, wearing hijabs loosely on their heads and often letting their hoods fall to their shoulders. The resistance to forced hijab was almost immediate. There were violent protests in 1979 after Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini said women should comply with Islamic dress codes. Protests against hijab have been sporadic ever since, culminating in the women we see today gathering to protest and burn the hijabs.
The reason for the intensifying of the recent protest is that the younger generation's deep-rooted anger has been added, including opposition to wearing hijab and economic difficulties such as inflation and economic challenges. Iran's inflation rate in August was 52.2%. Iran's currency, Rial, has fallen by about 90% over the past five years. Iran's conservative president, Ebrahim Raisi, elected in 2021, was also skeptical about restoring the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA), dampening hopes for reform and opening. Recently, workers in Iran's essential industry, the energy industry, have also declared strikes and participated in protests. Iran's national soccer team players expressed their support for the demonstration by wearing black jackets on top of their uniforms in a warm-up match against Senegal in Maria Enzersdorf, Austria, on the 27th of last month.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei sent a delegation to the bereaved families on the 20th of last month and promised a thorough investigation, but the protests did not die. The British weekly newspaper Economist said, "If the protests continue, businessmen will begin to shake, and if there is a crack in the military, the rebellion could enter a new phase."
In conclusion, Iran's government should consider optional hijab wear and revise its legislation so that only women who want it can wear it. According to Islamic law, hijab, which means "not obstructed by being covered," was created by women's complaints and requests during the Prophet Muhammad. It was supposed to be an item to 'protect' themselves from men and 'distinguish' them from women who believe in other religions. However, the hijab, which was clothing to protect women, was forced by the Iranian government after the Cultural Revolution, and even moral police were also employed to prevent them from breaking it. Women had to face violence if they did not follow the dress code. Can hijab, as a religious belief, be forced? It is unreasonable to use religion as an excuse for regime control, and for women's fundamental human rights, hijab use should be non compulsory among women. Therefore, even religious people should leave the hijab to their choice. It's not a religion at the moment when they force it on women.
This year, the CCP congress marks the 20th anniversary of the CCP elections with a familiar candidate, Xi Jinping. Elected as the president of China in the year 2012 and has persisted ever since Xi Jinping now attempts to cement his sovereignty with a third try at the presidency. Experts on Chinese politics estimate that the election would go along as Xi would expect, but as some obstacles emerge as an unignorable threat to Xi's extension of power, it seems to many observers that his third regime hangs by a thread.
Political instability within China is often mentioned as one of the sources of Xi's loss of authority within the CCP. One of the main sources of criticism is the implementation of the Zero COVID policy in China such as the Shanghai lockdown from February to August this year. Zero COVID policy, as it is a type of political tactic rather than an original Chinese policy, can be generally labeled as a political strategy that enacts stringent lockdowns and movement restrictions to keep cases as low as possible (Schaefer 1).
On October 15th, BBC reported an anonymous protest in China condemning Xi Jinping on a highway in Beijing. Reports are assuming that the main reason behind the protest is societal frustration as a response to the harsh 'Zero COVID policy ("China Protest").' This protest had some precursors as there were various protests and demonstrations shouting for the governmental lockdown to be brought down.
However, what distinguishes this protest from others is the timing. Most of the protests held in China were hardly initiated during a political election as citizens and police officers – i.e., Gong'an (公安) – are extremely cautious to avoid any troubles that might distress the government officials. The severity of the protest is also very exceptional as the plank card contained words directly expressing a sense of hatred against the Xi regime. The response from Xi Jinping, in contrast, obstinately remains still; Xi, through his official commentary through People's Daily Online (i.e, 人民日报), justified his policy as "the inevitable choice to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people."
The damage of the Zero COVID policy to the Chinese economy should also be taken into account when evaluating the Xi regime. According to Wright and Kratz, the GDP per capita of China declined by 5.8 percent during the two years of the COVID epidemic. Bloomberg economic magazine acknowledges that more than 30 percent of China's economic decline is responsible for the Zero COVID policy ("China's Consumer Woes"). Even the IMF — International Monetary Fund — warned of China's severe economic punishment. These charts all accumulate and attach rapidly with the outcome measurement of Xi's regime for the past two reelections as the CCP chairman.
Differences can be drawn from former leaders, Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong, the CCP that Xi attempts to extend the political scope and propaganda onto an international scale. The Belt Road Initiative (BRI) manifests Xi's intention to increase China's soft power and global awareness as a leading country in Eastern Asia.
Nevertheless, even the BRI blueprints are starting to smudge as countries that formerly participated in the initiative are showing discouraging results. One quintessential example can be found in Sri Lanka where BRI officials intend to build the port of Hambantota, leaving a colossal amount of debt to the Sri Lanka government and the handing of 80% joint venture of the port with the Chinese government; "Sri Lanka serves as a warning to those interested in Chinese strategic influence (Berlie 62)."
Experts believe that the Belt Road Initiative stems from a long-term desire for China to earn international acclaim as a dissatisfied state — a state who feels that its influence, status, and material benefits should be higher than what they are actually achieving. Though international acclaim and the acknowledgment of China's soft power vary from each state, the majority of actions held during the Xi regime do not appear as a pleasant outlook on Xi Jinping. Struggles of protests and demonstrations replenish every month and the new political candidate Li Keqiang - the primer of the state council - rises as a potential threat to Xi Jinping (the example of how Li presents himself as a potential threat can be found in his recent criticism against Xi Jinping's Zero COVID policy.)
Xi is now in an embroiled situation where he must resolve a complex string of clashes within and beyond China to manifest his clear political strength. The third time's the charm, yet instability boils as the burdening responsibility of sustaining third consecutive career mounts as a possible engine to Xi's descension of power. Now with the election, the snowball rolls from the mountaintop of Chinese politics, and one thing is sure: Xi's actions will either move mountains of CCP or end up as a political avalanche with Xi on its bottom.
Works Cited
BBC. "China Protests: Mystery Beijing demonstrator sparks online hunt and tributes," BBC, 15, Oct. 2022,
Berlie, A. Jean. China's Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Malcolm, Scott. "China's Consumer Woes," Bloomberg, March 24, 2022,
Schaefer, G. "Zero COVID and health inequities: lessons from Singapore," Medical Ethics, Feb. 2022,
Kuo, Lily. "Few signs that China is trying to escape its 'zero covid' trap." The Washington Post. 2022,
Li, Cheng. Xi's three difficulties: "The leadership lineup at the 20th Party Congress." Brookings. 2022,
Mark, J., Schuman, M. "Economics in a Time of Zero Covid." Atlantic Council, 2022,
Various crises and conflicts including the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are leading many people to cross international borders. Following the previous situation, 72 percent of Americans proclaimed that people trying to escape from violence in search of safety should be very or somewhat prioritized for immigration policy in the United States. Nevertheless, according to a Pew Research Center survey, the rest of the 28 percent insisted taking in civilian refugees should be a significant priority. In general, America is decently optimistic with to the say accepting refugees but the activeness of the policy varies depending on the different party, race, and ethnicity.
Based on the Pew Research center survey (the survey has 4 options; not at all important / not too important / somewhat important / very important) that was conducted in 2022, September 8th, 41% of either democrats or individuals who advocate Democratic Party claimed taking in refugees needs to be regarded as very important. In contrast, 13% of Republicans and GOP (republican party) regarded accepting civilian refugees as very important. The outcome of the survey shows large partisan differences in the question. Furthermore, women in America were more lean on taking in refugees who are trying to seek a safe place, which should be very important compared to men as 38% of women strongly agreed to the acceptance while 28% of men positively answered the question. 38 % of Hispanic (people, cultures related to Spain) adults voiced their opinion to embrace the refugees more than white (25%), black (30%), and Asian (26%) Americans. Specifically, those Hispanic people who were born outside of the USA were more likely to support the policy of taking civilians compared to Hispanic people who were born in the US (US-born Hispanics) as the outcome was 44% vs 33%. Similarly, people who have accentuated their Hispanic identity as very significant are more leaned to the side where they regard acceptance as an important policy goal than those people who say their Hispanic identity is less significant to them (45% vs 27%). The outcome of the research tells Americans are generally open to the acceptance of civilian refugees, especially, those Latinos in the United States tend to be more active with the acceptance policy including the immigration system.
The current immigrant policy in America; President of the United States of America, Joe Biden has made some changes to the immigration policy during his first three months of the regime. He decided to allow unauthorized immigrants who arrived in America during their childhood to live in the country in a legal way and stopped proceeding with the construction of a wall between the United States and Mexico border. Besides, the president has proposed legislation to make it much easier for immigrants to stay in the United States and increase the investment in technology that secures the border.
In general, a majority of Hispanic people in the US view the country's immigration policy needs to be fixed. The following opinion not only stays around the adults but also expands across all age groups and education levels. At least three-quarters of Hispanic people strongly proclaim that immigration policies need to have total reform even though Democrats and Republicans prioritize different immigration systems. Hispanic people who identify themselves as part of the Democrats leaned toward the side where they say it is an important goal to allow immigrants including refugees who came to the United States illegally as 61% of people responded positively to the acceptance. Vice versa Hispanic people who identify themselves as Republicans insist to be less positive about the open policy as only 36 % of people responded positively. Similarly, 59% of Hispanic Democrats share their idea that it is very important to prepare a suitable system for immigrants that stay in the United States illegally to stay in the country in a legal way while only 33 % of Hispanic republicans claimed(59% vs. 33%).
Nevertheless, 68 % of Hispanic Republicans insist increasing security on the U.S Mexico border is very important while only 33% of Hispanic Democrats insist. In addition, a majority of Hispanic Republicans, 59 %, proclaim it is very important to keep people from overstaying their visas compared with only 30% of Hispanic Democrats.
In conclusion, the perspective of Americans on accepting policy is positive in general. The current regime of the United States, the regime under president Joe Biden is also positive as he is trying to bring the best outcome for both immigrants and citizens of America. Among diverse groups in America, the differences were varied by different races as Latinos shared the sentiment of embracing the people more than Asian, white and black Americans. In addition, come to the political perspective of the United States, Democrats were more likely to accept outsiders compared to the Republicans. Similar differences have also occurred among the Hispanic people.
Works Cited
Krogstad, J. M., & Lopez, M. H. (2021, April 20). Most Latinos say U.S. immigration system needs big changes. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from
Lipka, M. (2022, September 19). Attitudes on taking in refugees vary by party, race and ethnicity. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from
The first female right-wing prime minister in Italy
On Saturday, Giorgia Meloni won the election and became Italy's first female prime minister. She was sworn in at a delegation ceremony in the Quirinale Palace in Rome by Italian President Sergio Mattarella. Meloni, chief of an alliance of far-right and center-right parties, is set to form the most right-winged government in Italy with 24 ministers. The new government is organized with two other right-wing leaders: Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi. Both leaders are extreme nationalists who publicly expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Who is Giorgia Meloni?
Giorgia Meloni grew up in the neighborhood of Garbatella built during Benito Mussolini's fascist dictatorship. She started her political movement by joining an organization with fascist roots called Youth Front. Later, she created her political party, Brothers of Italy, in 2012 and increased its approval rating from 4% to 26% within four years. She also has a partnership with Berlusconi's Forza Italia and Salvini's League, two major parties that helped her to possess enough seats in parliament to win the election.
Why did Italy support Meloni?
Italy faced various problems in different sectors. In particular, the skyrocketing energy cost and the shortage of the agricultural sector produced high risks for Italian businesses and households. According to a recent report by an Italian agriculture company, rising production costs have forced many small agricultural businesses to shut down because they cannot cope. As the harsh situation continues in Italy, many Italian firms and citizens hope to fix the present issues through strong political leadership. Thus, Meloni, strongly influenced by Mussolini, participated in the election and directly gained people's attention and support.
Beyond the election
Meloni's win in parliamentary elections on a campaign built around a promise to block migrant ships and support for traditional "family values" and anti-LGBTQ themes. It suggests that the shadow of nationalism in Italy has not been removed yet. Moreover, the right-wing government centered on Meloni has several factors of instability. As two new leaders have already shown admiration toward Russian President Putin, it is unclear whether Italy will stand by Europe or Russia. In addition, the world is worried about the advent of another dictator and the path Meloni will walk through would be the same as the path of Mussolini.
Xi Jinping's third consecutive term in China
China's top leader XI Jinping is ready to begin the third term with a greater concentration of power. The week-long Communist Party Congress (CCP) ended on Saturday and will be replaced by a new Central Committee. The new Central Committee -the party's 200-member central leadership- will gradually select new faces of top leaders on Sunday.
The start of the purge
Through the Communist Party Congress, Xi showed his ambition to consolidate his power by forcing key party leaders to retire from the top positions and appointing his allies. Premier Li Keqiang and Wang Yang are excluded from the new Central Committee. It indirectly means they have left China's main body and will go into full retirement. It seems the lack of close ties with Xi worked for their retirement. Not only their departures but two other members are also past the retirement age of 68 and set to step down. It makes four more seats on the Standing Committee for Xi to fill with his right-hand men.
Even the former leader?
The party's five-year national congress is held at the political theater, showcasing the unity and legitimacy of the party. However, during the ceremony in the Great Hall of the People, former top leader Hu Jintao was led out of the event. The departure looked unexpected and not prearranged because he appeared reluctant to leave. CNN and other broadcasting media on air in China were censored when reporting on Hu's exit. Also, Chinese media did not report the sudden incident and blocked the discussion on Chinese social media. But, some China experts expected that Xi could own both new party titles and new honorifics, elevating him closer to the power and status of Mao Zedong.
105 minutes Speech
After sealing his third term, Xi delivered a 105-minute speech in front of the new Central Committee. In particular, he did not give up the dream of uniting Taiwan until his next term. He gives the last warning to U.S. and Taiwan governments that China will use every method to unify Taiwan. "We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with great sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force." In addition, Xi explained other goals China will achieve over the next five years. These include solving the gap between the rich and the poor and reunifying different tribes. Italian and Chinese leaders are likely to threaten the world's economy and security in the future. This is why the world is currently focusing on the leaders of the two countries.
Works Cited
Donato, Valentina Di, et al. "Giorgia Meloni Sworn in as Italy's Prime Minister. Some Fear the Hard- Right Turn She's Promised to Take." CNN, Cable News Network, 22 Oct. 2022, cmd/index.html.
"Xi Jinping Tightens Grip on Power as China's Communist Party Elevates His Status." The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 22 Oct. 2022, jinping-tightens-grip-on-power-as-chinas-communist-party-elevates-his-status.
Although the National Week of Mourning for the Itaewon Tragedy has ended, there is still a sense of remembrance, sadness, and heartbreak. In a space of everyday life that is not the sky or the open sea, in the familiar hustle and bustle where buildings or bridges have not collapsed, the fact that a tremendous tragedy has happened in an instant does not stop the despair. How unrealistic is the reality that ordinary life-affirming energies, not familiar villains, have turned an ordinary alley that you would encounter anywhere around the corner into a disaster scene that is painful to even look at?
It is not easy to draw a picture of how truth-finding will be done. Of course, if you just do what you're used to, there won't be any difficulty. The police investigation is already in full swing, a government investigation is being discussed, and a special prosecutor will be possible if necessary. It is a problem that the statement “there was no organizer and no one was grossly negligent” came out of the mouth of a government official as an excuse, but it will be an objective condition that cannot be easily overlooked in the process of finding out the truth.
If we look at all the situations calmly, it is highly likely that the truth-finding will result in the authorities' complacent response. Measures to prevent recurrence will be filled with “special measures” at the level of pedestrian environment improvement and crowd management. However, the problem is when unintended disasters whose cause and negligence cannot be specified appear in everyday space with a different face. Is it possible to control the new public, which is an individual and forms a crowd in the blink of an eye, with 20th-century management techniques, armed with high-tech devices, exchanging information through social media, moving and gathering without hesitation? This is why the remarks of an opposition lawmaker, “I should have shot at least a blank bullet,” sound terrifying.
Despite the macroscopic risk of division and confrontation, Korea has built a country with strong security and is recognized worldwide to the extent of being proud of it. An authoritarian state provides security services, and citizens have built up the belief that they will be safe if they do as they are told in the environment provided by the state. In this process, the subject of citizenship became an object. CCTVs coiled in every alley and enforcement cameras all over the road reduce the subject of citizenship to an “object of care,” along with a sense of security that they are being protected. It is a self-evident proposition that the state is responsible for the safety of its people, but it is a different matter to lose the ability to respond without public authority when faced with an unexpected situation.
The Itaewon disaster painfully confirmed how a crisis response system that relies solely on public power can be incapacitated. What if that night, based on access data collected by the telecommunications company, an overcrowding warning message was sent to the users in the area so that they could respond in advance? By installing sound wave communication infrastructure that can be used by private companies throughout the city, it is possible to prevent large and small accidents by sending out local information in normal times and alerts in crisis situations. The starting point of the disaster prevention process should be the creation of conditions in which individuals who have acquired essential information in a timely manner can respond quickly even before public authorities arrive.
Political Correctness (PC) is a term used to refer to the language intended to give the least offense to minorities by using it. The term, during the Russian Revolution in 1917, first appeared to describe the adherence to the politics and principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and was used to refer to the extremism of left-wing issues in the early 1980s, and mentioned by conservatives in the 1990s. Linguistically, the use of the term seems to be rooted in the desire to minimize the exclusion of minorities and to be used widely in that our perception of reality is determined by our language use. Political correctness has a positive aspect in that it reduces the excluded and gives minorities a chance to engage, on the other hand, has a negative effect in that it encourages nation-unit censorship and violation of free speech.
Political correctness also roots its influence on culture, which has a vast range including popular culture, language, and politics.
The pop culture that the public encounters the easiest and most has an industrial structure that cannot be without the influence of political correctness. Creating ‘politically correct’ creations is the biggest task of recent pop culture producers and influencers to increase consumers and avoid misuse of their influence. Set in the future worldview, the Star Trek series has been devoted to breaking the framework of existing social descriptions and is the most criticized series for its political correctness while best adhering to political correctness. The original series, which was released in the 1960s, featured unconventional attempts such as Asian spacecraft pilots and black officers that could not be imagined by the times, and since then, various attempts to eliminate discrimination based on race or thought have been positively accepted. But the Star Trek Discovery series was different. Perhaps because of the excessive acceptance of PC supporters' opinions, it minimized the proportion and role of white male actors and forced the proportion of non-white women to increase, which eventually led the story to being ruined. However, in the case of Zootopia, it is receiving positive reviews for its animation that captures the dramatic fun of the story as well as an in-depth description of the problems of diversity, prejudice, and discrimination.
The language we use has not deviated from the target of political correctness. The language we use has not deviated from the target of political correctness. It has been encouraged to use male-based English nouns in a gender-neutral way, such as ‘fireman’ into ‘firefighter’, ‘man-made’ into ‘artificial’, and ‘mankind’ into ‘humanity.’ Racist words have also been purified, from ‘blackmail’ to ‘extortion.’ Moreover, under the impact of animal rights organizations, ‘pet’ has been changed into ‘companion animal.’
The person who made the most direct and shocking remarks about political correctness may surely be Donald Trump. “You can’t say anything. Anything you say today, they’ll find a reason why it’s not good.” Trump saw political correctness as a subject of suppressing freedom of expression and attempted to completely condemn it in the United States. However, this rather backfired on the presidential level of supporting hate speech, creating a foothold for far-right groups such as the KKK to be a little more active.
According to a 2020 Rasmussen survey, 65 percent of U.S. adults expressed their reluctance to say anything due to concerns about "wrong remarks" caused by political correctness and that freedom of expression was being suppressed. This shows that political correctness designed for public comfort, including minorities, has ironically become a means of attacking and suppressing the public. Moreover, the case in which a culture stained with political correctness is the object of criticism leads to the question of whether political correctness is correct.
Star Trek: Discovery's IMDb review shows how people feel about PC-infused pop culture. Not only did there be an opinion that reverse discrimination was promoted through forced PC elements, but there was also an opinion that openly expressed dissatisfaction with the original story of space exploration and thrill, which only pursues political correctness. However, as briefly mentioned earlier, Zootopia's review mainly focuses on positive reviews that it dealt with in-depth topics in a balanced manner along with the quality of the story.
Moreover, Trump's election as president even after he uttered such unconventional remarks suggests that countless people in the United States, if not outwardly, had an antipathy for the unconditional coercion of the PC.
Once again, political correctness refers to language and expressions whose use is aimed at minimizing the defense of minorities. Political correctness, of course, does not only have a bad side, but its use should not hurt or oppress anyone. It should not be a device that incites the public with extreme use of political correctness, but if political correctness blocks an environment in which people can freely exchange opinions, it should be considered whether it is correct. What do you think?
Works Cited
Conway, Lucian. “How a Cultural Revolt against ‘Political Correctness’ Helped Launch Trump into the Presidency | USAPP.”, 2 Mar. 2018,
“For Most, Political Correctness Is Killing Freedom of Speech.”, 2020,
Fuller, Bryan, and Alex Kurtzman. “Star Trek: Discovery.” IMDb, 3 May 2019,
Howard, Byron, et al. “Zootopia.” IMDb, 18 Feb. 2016,
“Political Correctness | Definition, Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2022,
Roddenberry, Gene. “Star Trek.” IMDb, 22 May 2009,
Team, Ehlion. “What Is Politically Correct Language? | EHLION.” EHLION, 13 Oct. 2020,
“The Point with Chris Cillizza - CNN.” CNN, 2020,
Unification is required, not optional. Many people say that the Korean economy collapses when reunification takes place. Of course, it will be difficult for North Koreans to adapt to the liberal democracy in South Korea. Unemployment can also soar. Russia wants to connect the railways, and China wants to build spheres and railways. Furthermore, people in North and South Korea share the same ancestors. Many families are in a situation where they can’t meet their family, and this situation needs to be restored. Also, Korea's defense spending budget is 40.3337 trillion won (as of 2017), but if it is used for the welfare of the country after reunification, the level of welfare in Korea will be even better. These are the minor reasons why Korea's unification needs to take action. This being the case, there are generally reasons why Korea needs unification, such as"peace guarantees" and "economic reasons."
First of all, for the first reason, the unification of the two Koreas should take place naturally. South and North Korea are still at war, and we cannot continue this war. In addition, peace can be guaranteed not only to the South Koreans but also to the North Koreans through the unification of the two Koreas. More specifically, it can relieve tensions caused by military risks and make peaceful use of the DMZ. The number of separated families increased rapidly as the two Koreas were divided, which is a big problem. Also, if Korea is reunified, men don't have to force themselves to join the army.
The second reason for unification is economic. First of all, if South and North Korea can eliminate the cost of division. In addition, we can create new values by combining the knowledge and technology of the two Koreas and If reunification is achieved, North Korea will develop many resources, have significant economic benefits, and become an economic powerhouse. It can then expand the domestic market and grow the economy as a whole by increasing the number of people, and it is currently consuming a lot of resources due to the division. If it is unified, it can avoid resource waste and secure new markets, resulting in greater economic growth, as military costs are high due to hostile relations. Based on North Korea's abundant natural products and South Korea's outstanding technology, it is possible to export many good products. As an example of Germany, in the beginning, East Germany's economic power declined because it was reunified, but it has now become the best-living country in Europe. The U.S. military is selling us a lot of military weapons due to the lack of reunification, but the money used for weapons can also be earned.
By those kinds of reasons and evidence, it is beneficial for both North and South Korea when the country is put together. Reunification is not an option, it is a must since we are continuing the war. People should be aware about the problems caused when the country is not united, and should take actions for the reunification.
Works Cited
“The Costs and Benefits of Korean Unification.” PIIE, 3 Mar. 2016, Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.
The Diplomacy of Korean Unification: Positive and Negative Reasons, Policies. Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.
“카드뉴스< 통일소식< 통일부.” 통일부, Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.
“The Economics of Korean Reunification.”, 2018, Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.
In recent days, pro-regime supporters and anti-government protesters met each other during the world cup game against wales. Some Iranian people insisted “women, life, freedom” while others shouted “The islamic republic”. As FIFA and Qatar prohibited any political, offensive and discriminatory messages, the protesters and pro-government people were not able to enter the Ahmad bin Ali stadium. In addition, while the national anthem came out, the Iran national football team did not salute and pay respect to their country. They did not sing along but stayed in a firm posture with a stiff face. In this journal, I will investigate the fundamental reasons for the confrontation between Iranian people and the behavior of the national football team.
The ignition of the protest started with the death of Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini. She is a 22 years old woman who has died after getting tortured and investigated by the brutal Iranian police. The reason why she was sent to the police was because she did not wear a hijab completely. After the death of the following woman, the president of the Iranain government, Ebrahim Raisi reinforced the hijab regulations and ordered a crackdown on women’s rights. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, it was mandatory for all iranian women to wear hijab. However as the regulations became harder and harder, ironically, people started to not comply with the regulations. Therefore, the government has used inhuman, brutal ways to put sanctions on their people.
According to Amini's family, they claimed they were told during her arrest that she would be released after a re-education session and during the process, she had died from a heart-attack. The photograph of Amni lying in the hospital has spread out widely in the social media and the condemnation within Iran started to arise. As death followed her, the resentment that people had reached to the highest peak. The protest against the government began in earnest due to the death of an innocent woman who refused to wear a Hijab.
For the leaders of Iran’s Islamic Republic, the movement of refusing to wear hijab is seen as an anti-government movement but also as anti-religion actions. Iran is one of the countries that accentuate the significance of Muslim and perceives hijab as a religious symbol of female modesty. According to Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, an Iranian former lawmaker who now works in the U.S as executive director of the Nonviolent Initiative for Democracy insisted “ the regime thinks if it loses the hijab, they think they are going to lose their identity.” In addition, he claimed “ the Iranian government has tied their sphere of influence to their very existence, and then of course, if they relax it, they are going to collapse”. The hijab, the veil, is a political tool for the dominance of the Iranina government.
Therefore the Iranian government is using violence to control people during the protest and it has caused around 300 casualties in the current stage. A human rights group claims the security forces have killed at least 328 people, 15,000 people have been arrested and 431 of them are students. According to HRANA, it claims over 877 cities and 136 university protests have been held in 137 cities. Additionally, the Oslo-based Iran Human Rights Organization (IHR) testified 304 protesters, including 41 children and 24 women, were killed on November 9th. They said protesters have been killed in 22 provinces, including in Sistan and Baluchistan, Mazandaran, Tehran, Kordestan and Gilan.
These days, the Iranina people and women are doubting “Why am I wearing a hijab?”. The unity has been created during the protest and people are accumulating their voices to fight against the oppressive government. People said the hijab caused decades of fear to the country which became a justification for the government to use violence against the citizens. The death of an innocent woman led not only the entire Iranian women but all citizens including men, elders and children to feel guilty to the fact that they have not ever refuted the government. The death of a person made the whole people question for the first time and realised the fact that they have been brainwashed by the government into wearing the hijab.
Works Cited
Sky. “Iran Regime Supporters and Protesters Confront Each Other Ahead of World Cup Match against Wales.” Sky News, Sky, 25 Nov. 2022, ch-other-ahead-of-world-cup-match-against-wales-12755137.
Images, -/Agence France-Presse/Getty. “In Iran Protests, the Hijab Is the Red Line for Both Government and Women.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 28 Oct. 2022, government-and-women-11666956847.
Iran International. “Security Forces Killed at Least 328 during Iran Protests.” Iran International, Iran International, 9 Nov. 2022,
“Iranian Woman Dies 'after Being Beaten by Morality Police' over Hijab Law.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 16 Sept. 2022, -dies-after-being-beaten-by-morality-police-over-hijab-law.